英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:57:43
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. in a cold unemotional manner

e.g. he killed her in cold blood

Synonym: coldly

1. 冷血:本片讲他写作<>(In Cold Blood)的经过,这部报告文学是当年的畅销书,在文学史上也有一席之地. 最有趣的是:卡波特和其中一位杀手之间那种微妙的关系;最出彩的是:男主角令人叫绝的表演. 看该片需要一些背景知识,

2. in cold blood的反义词

2. 冷血杀手:<>(In Cold Blood)是UBI开发的一个动作冒险游戏,在游戏中你扮演的是一位名叫John Cord的英国军情六处的特工--就是著名的特工007的同事. 很不幸,你在调查一个前苏联的将军非法开采铀矿的过程中被抓住了,

3. 残忍地:*In cahoots 勾结的 | In cold blood 残忍地 | In dire straits 特困

4. in cold blood

4. 残酷无情地:give sb. the cold shoulder冷淡地对待某人 | in cold blood残酷无情地 | pout/throw cold water on泼冷水;使泄气

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Stanton calls Michael, who explains that Self stole Scylla and killed two agents in cold blood.(斯坦顿给迈可打了个电话,迈可向他解释是赛尔夫偷走了“锡拉”,并冷血地杀死了翠珊。)
Let's think it over in cold blood.(让我们冷静地考虑一下这个问题。)
At this juncture, we see her in cold blood.(在这时,我们看到了她的冷酷。)
Hugo Masters of world literature, said: "Nature is not only a good mother, but also a butcher in cold blood."(世界文学大师雨果说:“大自然既是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。”)
Tarkin would have shot an unarmed Sobeck in cold blood, causing the Jedi to further question his honor.(塔金冷酷地开枪打死了手无寸铁的索贝克,让绝地对他的荣誉感产生了进一步的怀疑。)
You can then point you in cold blood.(你还能再冷血一点吗?)
He says he has never read In Cold Blood, nor seen the movies, and never will.(他说他从来没有读过《冷血》,也没有看过电影,而且永远也不会。)
Years before the huge success of his "non-fiction novel" in Cold Blood, Truman Capote had already staked out a distinctive place in Hollywood.(在他独创的“非虚构小说”《冷血》大获成功之前,杜鲁门·卡波特已经在好莱坞谋得一席之地了。)
In Cold Blood has sold millions of copies and been translated into 30 languages.(《冷血》卖了几百万册,被翻译30种语言。)
He was a traitor. And he murdered someone in cold blood.(他是一个叛徒,而且他冷血地杀了人。)
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